2024 Election of Directors

The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco (Bank) is accepting applications for two independent director positions on the Board of Directors (Board). In this year’s election, one seat will be for a public interest independent director position, and one seat will be a regular independent director position. In addition, California members will receive a nomination certificate by email to nominate individuals for one California member director position on the Board. All three open director positions have four-year terms that begin on January 1, 2025.

Applications and nominations will be accepted from June 25, 2024, through July 25, 2024. Submissions received after 11:59 p.m. PT on July 25, 2024, will not be accepted. 

This year, the Bank expects to send voting instructions in early October and announce election results in November.

View Independent Director Profile

View Member Director Profile

Independent Directors - Application Process

Please review the tips for completing your independent director application.  

The following materials must be submitted by email to the Bank by July 25, 2024, to be considered for nomination. Applications received after 11:59 p.m. PT on July 25, 2024, will not be accepted.

  1. Federal Home Loan Bank Independent Director Application
  2. Detailed resume
  3. Summary of additional qualifications, such as expertise in the areas relevant for the independent director position, as applicable. The Bank is interested in the public interest background of all applicants, whether they meet the regulatory requirements to be considered for a public interest director or not, and encourages all applicants to respond to question 13, in addition to question 14 in the application form.  If an applicant is not deemed to meet the regulatory requirements to be eligible for a public interest director position, it will not negatively impact consideration of their candidacy for a position on the Board. 
  4. External auditor independence questionnaire

After the application deadline, the Bank’s Board will assess the eligibility and qualifications of each applicant and nominate one candidate for each independent director position to be filled in the election.


The Bank is committed to diversity in all aspects of its business and activities and at all levels of the Bank, including its Board. In selecting nominees, the Board will consider, among other factors, whether the individual’s skills, expertise, and background would complement the qualifications and attributes of other members of the Board, taking into consideration the overall composition of the Board; the diverse communities of the Bank’s district; the Bank’s commitment to diversity in gender, race, and ethnicity; and other factors it believes would contribute to a diverse, balanced, and effective board. As part of the independent director nomination process, the Board will also consult with the Bank’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council.

Independent Director Qualifications

Candidates for the independent director positions must meet certain minimum statutory and regulatory requirements:

  • To serve as an independent director, an individual must be a United States citizen and must maintain a principal residence in a state in the Bank’s district (Arizona, California, or Nevada) (or own or lease a residence in the district and be employed in the district). In addition, the individual may not be an officer of any Federal Home Loan Bank or a director, officer, or employee of any member of the Bank or of any recipient of advances from the Bank. These requirements apply to all independent directors, including public interest directors.
  • To serve as an independent director other than a public interest director, an individual must have knowledge of, or experience in, financial management, auditing or accounting, risk management practices, derivatives, project development, organizational management, or the law.
  • To serve as an independent director that is designated as a public interest director, an individual must have more than four years of personal experience in representing consumer or community interests on banking services, credit needs, housing, or financial consumer protections. For clarification, the efforts of a public interest director applicant in the areas listed above must be undertaken on behalf of and for the direct benefit of consumers or community interests. (A candidate who wishes to be considered to be designated as a public interest director must meet these criteria.)

More specific information about these statutory and regulatory eligibility requirements is contained in the application form. The application also requires candidates to provide information about their leadership experience, business knowledge, commitment to service, personal integrity, independence, and other experience and education.

Member Directors - Nomination of Candidates

Eligible Bank members located in California will receive information and a nomination form by email for the nomination of individuals for one member director position in California (with a term beginning on January 1, 2025) on the Bank’s Board.

A nominee must be a citizen of the United States and an officer or director of a member institution located in California, that (i) was a member of the Bank as of December 31, 2023, and (ii) meets all of its applicable regulatory capital requirements.


We strongly encourage members to consider diversity when nominating individuals for member director positions. Our Board highly values diversity and supports the election and appointment of diverse candidates to the Board. We believe that having highly qualified directors of diverse gender, race, and ethnicity, along with varied skills and experiences, contributes to a balanced and effective Board. For more information, see the Board of Directors Statement on Diversity.

Online Voting

After the nomination processes have been completed and the Bank has verified the eligibility of the nominated candidates, the Bank will email members of the Bank about online voting. This year, the Bank expects to send voting instructions in early October and announce election results in November.

For additional information about the Bank and its Board of Directors, please see the Bank’s 2023 Form 10-K.

If you have any questions about serving on the Bank’s Board, the independent director election process, or the member director election process, please contact the Bank.